How and where was the Literary Café of Plinio il Giovane born?

In homage to Plinio il Giovane, who loved and lived in Bellagio, one of the most famous tourist destinations in the world, our new format will be named
“Caffè Letterario Plinio il Giovane”.

Why café?

What can be more attractive and inspiring than designing a café inside a museum,
in the village of Bellagio? From there, it wasn’t a big step to create a place of encounter and sharing, a place with a strong identity to live tasting experiences but also cultural.

Why literary?

To reconnect, reconquer and repopulate Bellagio, of that cultured and educated tourism that has made it famous in the world, through cultural experiences. A model that leads the way in any place where mass tourism, often uneducated, is causing damage to both image and profits.

Why Plinio il Giovane?

Not only because it is the name of our brand, but also to celebrate and remember the historic writer, who loved and lived in Bellagio in the first century A.D.

This cultural format will be an example and will lead the way to a refined tourism.

Our intent, through this concept, is to launch a signal of playful enrichment by creating a meeting place for artists, artisans and manufacturers of local products. The opportunity to tell their experience and become known with scheduled events, allowing them to meet any potential collectors or simple admirers of beauty who have travelled from all over the world, and to enhance the village’s tourism industry.

Thanks to the patronage of the town of Bellagio, on Friday evening at 21 after dinner, meetings are held with artists, in the presence of a refined and sensitive audience.

In 2018 the curator of the Litireray Café Letterario was Marina Mojana, art historian, reporter and journalist, who every Friday evening organized events, guests of the writer and navigator Gianni Gini in his Museum of navigation instruments.

In 2019 the Literary Cafe, sponsored by the Municipality of Bellagio, was held in the same place and all events were presented by Paola Rossi, Councillor for Culture of Bellagio.

In 2020 the event, still with the introduction of Paola Rossi, was held in the municipal library and, despite the distance and the difficulties imposed by the emergency health of covid-19, has found an unexpected success, confirming a keen interest in this format.